
Original 2 Hook Leaders

Bob Mann’s Original 2 hook leaders.  Are you tired of short bites while catfishing?  Casting your liver off?  Or do you need to suspend a large baits off the bottom?  These leaders are your answer!  Choose between leader lengths, line weights and hook types and sizes.

, bob-mann-fishing fishingbob-mann catfish catfish-leaders fishing hooks leaders liver-hook liver-hooks original-2-hook-leaders
Beaver Bites- Fishing Family

Tired of buying wax worms? Spikes? Mousies? Minnows? Leeches?  Look no further!  The Trappin’ Fool Beaver Bites- Fishing Family replaces them all!  This product is made with all natural beaver tail and cured in a brine. It is biodegradable and environment friendly, unlike so many plastic baits on the market.  With the natural oils of the beaver tail, the brine solution and natural buoyancy it creates a deadly fish enticing combination!  They can also be dyed or dipped in your favorite lure dip.  So what are you waiting for?  Start tipping your favorite ice jig, crappie jig or just use on a plain jig/ hook with Beaver Bites- Fishing!

Beaver Bites- Bass is used in place of the old Uncle Josh’s Pork Rind.  Because of the natural toughness it resists pull offs.  After use replace back into brine for future use.  I do not pre-punch a hole in the bait so you can customize it to your hooks to help ensure it stays in place longer.


, fishing trappin-fool-originalsbeaver-bites beaver-bites-bass beaver-bites-fishing beaver-bites-minnow beaver-bites-original fishing pink-beaver-bites