Skulls, Bones and Teeth

Beaver Skulls

Genuine beaver skulls.

$35.00skullsbonesteethbeaver beaver-bones beaver-skulls skulls
Beaver Teeth

Genuine beaver teeth.

$35.00skullsbonesteethbeaver beaver-bones beaver-teeth bones teeth
Coyote Leg Bones

Genuine coyote leg bones.

$2.50skullsbonesteethbones coyote-bones coyote-leg-bones leg-bones

Skulls cleaned with dermestid beetles then sanitized and whitened.

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It is the customer’s responsibility to be aware of their own local/ state laws. If you are uncertain about the legality of an item you wish to purchase, please contact your local/state legal authorities prior to ordering.

skullsbonesteethbeaver coyote muskrat skulls woodchuck